United States of America
Size: 75 x 106cm, Non Stop Feeder with Non-Stop Device, Non Stop Delivery with Rake, Prinect Press Center Console with Wallscreen, Remote Ink Control, Touchscreen…
Size: 75x 105cm, Prinect Press Center Console, InPress Control, Wallscreen, Autoplate XL, Preset Plus Feeder, Preset Plus Delivery X2 (2 Extension Modules), Non-Stop Feeder and…
2003 Heidelberg SM52-5 P3+LX
Accessories: CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferencial and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , Side lays adjusting control by…
2008 Heidelberg XL75-5 LX3 C-Hybrid
Accessories: Prinect Press Center console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , Prinect Press Center MasterLevel…
1998 Heidelberg CD 102-5+L
Size: 72x102cm, Autoregister, Console Light, Intercom, Blast air for blanket Cylinder, Plate cylinder chromed, Alcolor Vario dampening, Electronic front and sidelay control, High pile feeder,…
72x102cm, CP TRONIC self diagnostic, control and monitor console, CPC 1-04 (Ink, axial, circumferential and diagonal remote control with electronic pen and flash memory card,…
1999 Mitsubishi 3H – 4
Size 72 x 102 cm, Preset, Automatic size device, Side lay control, Semi-automatic plate change, Cooking register, Automatic ink roller washup device, Automatic blanket washup…
52x74cm, Perfecting 2-0 / 1-1, Speed ??15.000 copies/h, Low pile delivery, Stream feeder, Double sheet detection-electric, Electronic side lays control, Eltex antistatic device, Alcolor continuous…
1999 Mitsubishi 3F – 5
72x102cm,Console for remote control of ink sixties, axial, circumferential and diagonal regiater, IPC 2 touch built-in touch screen, Mechanic double sheet control, Preset on feeder,…
75x 105cm, Prinect Press Center Console, InPress Control, Wallscreen, Autoplate XL, Preset Plus Feeder, Preset Plus Delivery X2 (2 Extension Modules), Non-Stop Feeder and Delivery,…
2008 Heidelberg CD 102-5+LX
Size: 72x 102cm, Cabel lenght pult standart, Diagonal Register in last coating unit, Oxilating form rollers remot controll, Air sheet guides under transfare cylinders, IPA…
2000 Heidelberg CD 102-5+LX
72 x 102cm, CP2000, Alcolor Vario Dampening, Autoplate, Preset Feeder, Preset Delivery, Powder Spray, Auto-Washers, Ink Temperature Control, Non-stop Feeder and Delivery, 2 Roller Aqueous…
2007 Heidelberg SM 102-8P
Size 72 x 102 cm, Preset Plus Feeder and Preset Plus Delivery, CP 2000 with AXIS CONTROL, AUTOPLATE (Automatic Plate Change), PRESET (automatic Size Setting),…
2000 Mitsubishi 3H5 +LX
72 x102 cm, lack tower, extended delivery, ipc server, semi automatic plate change, plate cocking, all chrome cylinders, automatic paper preset system, automatic printing pressure…
2007 Heidelberg CD102-6LYYLX3 Hybrid
72x102cmCP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization , CP 2000 MasterLevel , Preset Plus…