Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning

  • 20. July 2022 22:46
  • Germany
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning
Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontal high-end drum scanner with photomultiplier scanning


Dainippon Screen SG-8060 P horizontaler Highend Trommelscanner mit Photomultiplierabtastung

•Auflösung 12.000 dpi
•Dichte Dmax 4.2
•Datentiefe 48 Bit RGB, 32 Bit CMYK
•Vorlagenarten Aufsicht / Durchsicht
•Lichtquelle Xenon 75 Watt
•max. Scanformat 600 x 538 mm
•Treiber und Schnittstellen Macintosh / SCSI incl. Workstation
•Gewicht 480 kg