Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery

  • 1. July 2022 22:21
  • Germany
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery
Eurofold 245-235 2×2 buckle plate folding machine with long motorized delivery


Eurofold 245-235 2×2 Taschen-Falzmaschine mit langer motorischer Auslage

Baujahr 2002

Unterflursauganleger mit Saug-/Blasluft
•Falzagreggat 245 mit 2 Falztaschen 65cm

Papierformat: 90 x 120 mm (min.)
Papierformat: 50 x 650 mm (A2)
Grammatur: 40 – 240 g/m²
Geschwindigkeit: Bis zu 30.000 Bogen/Stunde
Falzlänge: 20 mm (min.)
Falzlänge: 425 mm (max.)
Anschluss 220 / 240V Frequenz: 50HZ
Absicherung: max. 16 Amp.


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