small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A

  • 25. February 2023 12:37
  • Germany
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A
small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A


small label die cutting machine Gerhard BUSCH type A

Brand : Gerhard BUSCH germany
Model : A
Year :  2004
SN :  230/263
CE conformity

Standard equipment includes 5 adjustable clamping arms and waste slitters with holders.
Once the material (square-cut sheets) is inserted and the protective plexiglass door is closed,
the cutting stroke is activated – on model A by closing the protective door manually

Specifications :
Max die-cut size : 180×180 mm
Min. die-cut size : 17×17 mm (30×30 mm with counter-pressure)
Max diameter for circular products : 180 mm
Max stack height : 200 mm
Die cutting pressure : 2500 kg
Die-cutting strokes : 11 p/min.

Gerhard BUSCH