Stahl VBF BL 200 1985

  • 30. May 2024 11:30
  • Poland
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
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Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985
Stahl VBF BL 200 1985



Stahl BL 200 hard cover case binding line.

Stahl Bl 200 with roundering station 2 glue gauzing station (1 for capitalband)

Book press Stahl EP 260 R with 9 clamps.  Max book blok format 390/280/75mm

 Min book block format 120/80/6mm

 Max opened cover format 430/660mm

 Min format 120/160 <> maximal speed 42 tact in minet. Weight 9 tons .

 colmpleate with all tools glue rollers roundering tools and covers ,  spare part book and operating manuals

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