Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M

  • 25. July 2022 20:18
  • Germany
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M
Wire O ring binder punching tool for electric punching machine Renz DTP 340 and DTP 340 M



Wire O Ringbuch Stanzwerkzeug für elektrische Stanzmaschine Renz DTP 340 und DTP 340 M

in Teilung 2-1 mit 6mm Rundloch